• How this Universe was created?
  • How big is this Universe?
  • Why is the knowledge of creation of nature necessary for everyone?


In the beginning, there was only one place known as, “Anaami/ Anaamay/ Akeh Lok” (‘Anaamay’ means ‘without any disease’). Only the Supreme God lived there, whose name is Lord Kabir!

  • Who was the only God present initially?
  • What is the name of that place where God resides?
  • What is the meaning of Anaami/Anaamay/Akeh?

  • How did all souls come into existence?
  • Why do we die?
  • How to overcome the cycle of birth, death and rebirth ?

At inception there was only Supreme God residing in Anaami/ Anaamay/ Akehlok i.e. the immortal abode. Later, He did all the creation and produced all the souls with the power of His Word and this is how all souls came into existence. But, after sometime, all the souls who are stuck in this mortal land committed the greatest sin because of which, they were expelled from the eternal world and landed in Kaal’s region, where they have been trapped in the cycle of birth and death. Only true worship obtained from the Enlightened Saint, can liberate souls from the deadly trap of birth and death.


  • What do Vedas say about Creation of Nature (Universe)?
  • Proof of Creation of Nature in Shri Guru Granth Sahib
  • Real Info about Creation of the Universe in Holy Bible


  • How did Supreme God do all the creation?
  • What is the power of attraction?

Then, Supreme God Kabir, Himself did all the Creation. Through the power of His word, Lord Kabir created Rajeshwari Shakti (power of attraction), using which all the universes were established. This power is also known as Prashakti Pranandni.


Beauty and wealth are the two weapons that can make any person lose his/her senses in this mortal land! In the blind race for power and prestige, let us realise the reason behind these evil traits, that are present in every living being, the intensity of which, can vary from soul to soul.

  • God inserted all the souls in a girl, named Ashtangi
  • The girl did not have female genitals when the Supreme Almighty God created her
  • God granted her the power of word
  • With the power of word, both male and female, could be born
  • Sahej Das informed Jyoti Niranjan/Kael, that God Kabir has given word power to Ashtangi

After that some souls gave their consent to go with Kael (earlier name of Kaal). Lord Kabir gave the appearance of a girl, to the soul who dared to raise his hand first, but did not put any female genitals. Lord Kabir then inserted all the souls who gave their consent, inside that girl in seed form and named her Ashtangi (Aadi Maya, Prakriti Devi, Durga). Lord Kabir told her that He has granted her the power of word, with which she can give birth to as many souls as Brahm asks her to. With the utterance of the word, both male and female, can be born. Lord Kabir told one of His sons, Sehaj Das, to leave Prakriti at Brahm’s place.

Sehaj Das told Jyoti Niranjan that, “Father has inserted all souls inside this sister, who gave their consent to come with you. She will produce as many living beings as you would want, through the word power provided to her by Father”. After telling this, Sehaj Das came back to his island.


  • What was the sin committed by Kshar Purush (Kaal)?

The girl, Prakriti/ Durga, was young and attractive. Sexual desire arose inside Brahm and he started misbehaving with Durga. Then, Durga said, that she been granted the power of word by Father and she will produce as many beings as he demands using it. She said that, he has also taken birth through the power of word of Father via an egg and that, she was also born through Father’s power of word, later on.

Jyoti Nirajan didn’t listen to any plea of Durga and with a disgusting intention to rape her, he opened his mouth. Durga, with an aim to save herself, transformed herself into a miniature form and through his opened mouth, went inside his stomach and prayed to Supreme God Kabir to protect her from Jyoti Niranjan.


At that very moment, Lord Kabir appeared in the form of His son, Yog Santayan (Yogjeet) and made that girl come out.

Lord Kabir said, “Jyoti Niranjan, you have committed a disgusting blunder in such a pious place. From now on, your name will be ‘Kaal’. You will have infinite births and deaths, which is why, you will be known as Kshar Purush. You will eat one hundred thousand human beings daily and give birth to one hundred twenty-five thousand human beings, in one day. Because of this foul deed that you dared to do in such a sacred place, you both are expelled from Satlok, along with your 21 universes”.


Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are treated as the ultimate powers as far as Hinduism is concerned, while in reality they are just the coordinators of this mortal land! Let us see, how do they take birth, who are their parents and what tasks have been assigned to them.

  • Kael/Kaal misbehaved with Aadi Maya
  • Durga requested Kaal do not harm these pious relations with this baleful act, as it will be a heinous sin
  • I have the power of word granted by Father, through which I will produce as many living beings as you say
  • Durga went inside Kaal’s stomach to save herself
  • Durga was taken out from his stomach
  • God Kabir Ji expelled Kaal & Aadi Maya from Satlok

After being expelled from the immortal place and being cursed by Lord Kabir, Kaal’s lecherous thoughts about Aadi Maya (Durga) ingrained more than ever. He said to her, that now nobody can harm him and he will do whatever he wishes to. Aadi Maya (Durga) requested him to beware, because first of all, he is her elder brother because they are the children of one Father as he took birth from an egg, with the power of word of Lord Kabir and she was created by Him with the word power itself. But, Jyoti Niranjan paid no heed and had intercourse with Prakriti Devi (Durga).


  • Did Kaal forcefully marry Durga?
  • What are the names of their three sons?
  • What are the three gunas?

Jyoti Niranjan didn’t pay any heed to a single plea of Durga (Aadi Maya) and said that he has already got the punishment he deserved and has been expelled from Satlok. Now, he will do whatever he feels like doing. Then, Kaal forcefully married Durga and gave birth to three sons named “Brahma” (who was filled with Raj Guna), “Vishnu” (who was filled with Sat Guna) and “Shiva” (who was filled with Tam Guna). Brahma is their eldest son, Vishnu is the second and Shiva is the youngest out of the three.


  • What Did Kaal promise?
  • What Are his plans about his family?
  • Kaal never appeared in front of his three sons
  • Kaal has warned Durga not to tell his truth to anyone
  • Kaal keeps his sons unconscious till youth
  • Durga made her sons get married to her own incarnations

Kaal, after the birth of his three sons, told Aadi Maya (Durga) that, it is his pledge, that in future, he will not appear in front of anybody in his original form. He vows to stay unmanifested (invisible) from this very second. He warned Durga, not to disclose his reality to anybody, else, he would curse her.

Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan) kept his three sons in an unconscious state through Durga, till the time they reached their youth. When they grew up, Kaal brought them into a conscious state. Brahma woke up on a lotus, Vishnu on a bed made of snakes (sheshnaag shaiya) and Shiva on a mountain named Kailash and Kaal brought all of them together. Then, through Durga, Kaal made Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, get married.


Clear evidences regarding Nature’s creation and souls being trapped in Kaal’s jail of 21 universes, is available in the Holy books of all religions. Only Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has provided proofs regarding the existence of God and every other spiritual aspect. Let us explore some of those facts from Vedas (whose knowledge was provided in early times, when there was no concept of religion, Quran and Bible)


Rig Veda- Mandal 10, Sukt 90, Mantra 5

  • How did Lord Kabir create the Universe according to Rig Veda? Through the power of the word of Sat Purush (Lord Kabir); Brahm (who is also known as Kshar Purush and kaal) and Par Brahm were born. After that, Supreme God Kabir created and established the universes of both Brahm and Par Brahm.

Atharva Veda- Kaand 4, Anuvak 1, Mantra 1

  • Who established everything in Satlok and on the mortal land/universe? In the beginning, Supreme God (Lord Kabir) appeared and created Satlok and other self illuminated boundary less places and then, established these universes just like a cloth is stitched. Purna Brahm (Lord Kabir), Himself did all the creation, be it in Satlok or in the mortal universes of Par Brahm and Kaal, and established the same.

Atharva Veda- Kaand 4, Anuvak 1, Mantra 2

The Father of all souls, then created Pranandni Prashakti (power of attraction), using which He created and established all universes, stopping them at one place.

Atharva Veda- Kaand 4, Anuvak 1, Mantra 4

  • What is the difference between these three- Satlok, 21 Universes and 7 (Sankh) Universes? The Almighty, without any suspicion, created the four immortal places above (Satlok, Alakh Lok, Agam Lok and Anaami Lok). Similarly, He created the places beneath these, that is, the 7 (seven) Sankh universes of Par Brahm and 21 universes of Kaal using the element of earth and made them mortal, that is, destructible. Lord Kabir, then established them with safety.

Atharva Veda- Kaand 4, Anuvak 1, Mantra 5

  • What is our biggest sin?
  • Who is the real master of Durga?

Ashtangi Maya (Durga) was also created by the power of the word of Supreme God Kabir in the first place and Lord Kabir is the Father as well as Master of Durga too, with whom we all got separated because of the great sin we committed in Satlok. Through the seed power of Jyoti Niranjan, Durga gave birth to souls (who gave their consent to go with Kaal) and with her command, they started staying in heaven and other universes under them (Kaal and Durga).


Quran Sharif- 25:53

And it is He who has released [simultaneously] the two seas, one fresh and sweet and one salty and bitter, and He placed between them a barrier and prohibiting partition. Conclusion: Allah/God is the one who made two seas, the water of one being fresh and sweet, to quench the thirst and the other had bitter and salty water. After that, he made a strong barrier/ blockade between them to separate the two from being mixed. This proves that God created all things, by Himself.

Quran Sharif- 25:54

And it is He who has created from water a human being and made him [a relative by] lineage and marriage. And ever is your Lord competent [concerning creation]. Conclusion: The Almighty created human beings from a drop of water and then, made that human being a relative of somebody. He is the only one who is powerful enough to do anything, all by Himself.

Quran Sharif- 25:59

He who created the heavens and the earth and what is between Sky and Earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne - the Most Merciful, So ask about Him from one well informed. God created the universes and beyond in a matter of 6 days and then sat on His throne on the seventh. He, Himself did all the creation and got seated on His throne, just like a king.


Bible- 1:26

Then God said, “Now let’s make humans who will be like us. They will rule over all the fish in the sea and the birds in the air. They will rule over all the large animals and all the little things that crawl on the earth.” Meaning: God made humans in the same form as He is and made them superior to animals and birds because they have been blessed with more intelligence.

Bible- 1:27

So God created humans in his own image. He created them to be like himself. He created them male and female. Meaning: Again is it mentioned that God created humans in His own form. They were then categorized as male and female.

Conclusion: All these evidences from Vedas, Quran and Bible clearly highlight the incidents of Nature being created by Lord Kabir, Himself! Until now, people as well as saints, were completely unaware about the creation of nature and told their self made notions, that are absolutely baseless. But, Saint Rampal Ji has proved from our pious Holy books, each and every fact, that remained hidden till now!


  • What is the main motive of every soul?
  • What is that one prayer which we keep doing, when in our mother's womb?
  • What do we forget first when we pop out?
  • What are the secondary things we keep doing?
  • What can strike us anytime?

In the end, take in an insight into these words:

|| Us samrath ki reejh chhupai, Ab kull kutamb se raata
Garbh ke andr vachan bhre the, Kaha gayi wo baata ||

Recollect the time when you were in your mother’s womb, your body was placed upside down and you dedicatedly prayed to come out of the painful situation that every child has to face! As soon as we pop out, we completely forget our main motive and a new worldly lesson is taught to us.

We then start the journey of life by getting educated, having an income source of our own, getting married, bearing children, having grandchildren and then die. In this entire process, we completely forget one bitter fact, that death, which is completely certain can strike us uncertainly anytime! What's next? We got no address or currency! Today, we are human! We can eat whenever we feel hungry and tell our sufferings, but, what about our future ? God knows what atrocities we will have to face if we get the cover of a plant or an animal, as their sufferings can’t ever be penned down! They too were humans once and boldly proclaimed that nothing happens after death, but now, they landed in a situation where they can do nothing but weep!


  • Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only Tatvagyani Saint according to Bhagavad Gita
  • He imparts knowledge based on scriptures
  • He is the incarnation of Supreme God
  • He has been declared as the Chyren by all foretellers.They have made accurate predictions about Real Saint Rampal Ji

Blessed are those souls who get to know these facts, which alone stand as the reality, in a world where everything is fake! Only Saint Rampal Ji has been able to decode the secrets hidden in the Holy books of all religions and is here to save us from the vicious cycle of life and death, in which we have been stuck since infinite Yugas because only the true method of worship, when imparted by the Tatvadarshi Saint, can make us attain lasting peace and happiness! Come under His refuge as He is the Chyren (Great Religious Leader) all great astrologers have predicted about, who has provided the complete and authentic course of worship that guarantees salvation.